When it comes to cleaning my house, I have always considered myself more consistent than thorough. This means that well-traveled areas are cleaned well and regularly while more problematic areas, like under appliances, usually are left unaddressed for a while. Anytime I feel particularly proud of my cleaning efforts, I only need to glance behind the washer or under the stove to be quickly humbled.
Recently, I got behind our stove to clean the dust, dirt, and grease that had accumulated over a long period of time. In fact, I don’t think I pulled the stove out to clean when we moved in three years ago, so I was cleaning not only my own mess but that of the tenants before me. I worked on it for quite a while, scrubbing and using all the degreasers I had on hand, but I don’t think I got it all. I cleaned it enough to call it progress and to make the next time a little easier.
Sometimes when we’re faced with overwhelming problems, it seems futile to start if we know we can’t completely fix them. Paralysis can set in, and so can procrastination (see stove story above). Whether your dilemma is a housekeeping issue or something more serious, doing what you can, with whatever you’ve got in time and resources, will make a difference. Any progress moves us closer to the goal and gives us the hope we need to try again.